
15 Best Fruit Trees to Grow in Texas for Bountiful Harvests

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Environmental Politics & Permaculture Enthusiast

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Home » Texas » 15 Best Fruit Trees to Grow in Texas for Bountiful Harvests

If you’re thinking about planting fruit trees in Texas, I’m happy to say that there’s an amazing variety of fruit trees you can grow in Texas!

Many species of fruit trees are adaptable to different conditions and low maintenance to care for.

Plus, the diverse ecology and landscape of Texas allows for a wide range of fruit trees. Texas spans from USDA hardiness zones 6 to 10 and includes both moderate and tropical climates.

Several of the trees in this article are fairly small, so you can even grow fruit on your patio or balcony!

If you’re ready for a kitchen full of fresh fruit- and jams, pies, and smoothies- keep on reading to find out which are your favorite fruit trees in Texas!

15 Fruit Trees In Texas To Plant Today

1. Valencia Orange Tree (Citrus sinensis ‘Valencia’)

Valencia Orange tree and fruit
Image by Fern Berg, Own Work, for Tree Vitalize

At the top of our list is the Valencia Orange, one of the top varieties of orange trees. These fruits have been cultivated to be sweet and super juicy- perfect for fresh squeezed juice.

These trees are also great for anyone without much experience growing fruit trees.

They don’t grow super tall so they’re manageable and this makes trimming and harvesting much easier.

Valencia Orange trees are self-fertile, so you only need one for fruits, plus they’re small enough to grow in a container.

These trees will thrive in full or partial sunlight and can grow in most of Texas except for the far north.

Maybe the best thing is that they can have two harvests when completely healthy!

Typically, these trees begin to fruit in spring but if the weather is mild enough, they’ll continue into the summer and peak production in the fall.

  • Growing Zones: 8-11
  • Average Size at Maturity: 8-10 ft tall by 3-4 ft wide
  • Season: Fruits in spring

Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills

2. Pink Lady Apple Tree (Malus domestica ‘Cripps Pink’)

Apple trees are a classic fruit tree that can be found in many gardens. The Pink Lady Apple tree is native to western Australia, so it’s accustomed to long and hot summers, perfect for Texas!

This tree grows in zones 5 to 9, which covers almost all of the state! However, apple trees are harder to care for.

They drink lots of water and if there isn’t enough coming from rainfalls, you’ll need to water your tree weekly.

For these trees you’ll need a pollination partner, either a Pink Lady tree or another apple tree species.

Though, these trees are adaptable to many soil types and won’t be particular.

When you properly care for your Pink Lady Apple tree, you’ll be rewarded with beautiful yellow-pink marbled apples.

These are medium to large-sized apples that are juicy and sweet!

  • Other Common Names: Malus Pink Lady, Cripps Pink Apple
  • Growing Zones: 5-9
  • Average Size at Maturity: 15-20 ft tall by 8-10 ft wide
  • Season: Late Summer through Fall

Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills

3. Red Haven Peach Tree (Prunus persica ‘Redhaven’) Dwarf Variety

Although you might not recognize the name, Red Haven peaches are the most popular variety and the most commonly grown peach tree.

This tree is a strong grower and it’s fruits are delicious, a win-win.

Red Haven Peach trees are highly disease resistant and they’re self-fertile.

They also adapt well to different conditions and can grow from zones 5 to 9, which is more than most peach tree varieties.

They can also tolerate a range of soil types, from neutral to slightly acidic.

Generally, peach trees grow best with moist and well-draining soil but they can still thrive in amended soil.

You’ll need to prune this tree annually to keep it healthy, especially since its fruits are so large and heavy.

You might want to annually trim anyway since it’s a fast grower!

  • Other Common Names: Red Haven, Dwarf Red Haven
  • Growing Zones: 5-9
  • Average Size at Maturity: 12-15 ft tall by 10-12 ft wide
  • Season: Flowers in late spring; Fruits in late summer

Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills

4. Santa Rosa Plum Tree (Prunus salicina ‘Santa Rosa’)

Santa Rosa Plum Tree
Image by David Prasad via Flickr

Even if plums aren’t your favorite fruit, you’ll want to grow this gorgeous tree! Along with soft, juicy plums in the summertime, plum trees have stunning blossoms in the spring.

Santa Rosa is one of the most popular plum trees because it grows so well. These trees tolerate a range of soil pH levels and they’re self-fertile.

They only need 300 chill hours to fruit, which makes it possible to grow these even in southern TX.

Other than at the southern tip of Texas, plum trees can grow in most regions of the state.

The southeast U.S. is too wet and humid for these trees, so growers in eastern TX will have a difficulty. But, plum trees are perfect for western, central, and northern TX.

These trees grow very fast but at their mature height they’re still medium-sized trees.

Their white flowers are very fragrant and add ornamental interest in the spring, then the plums start to grow throughout the summer.

  • Other Common Names: Japanese Plum
  • Growing Zones: 5-9
  • Average Size at Maturity: 15-20 ft tall by 15-20 ft wide
  • Season: Summer

Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills

5. Hass Avocado (Persea americana ‘Hass’)

Hass avocado tree with fruit on it
Image by Malcolm Manners via Flickr

Considering how much Texans love avocados, of course avocado trees are on this list! You might not think of avocados as fruits but they are, in fact, the fruit of their tree.

Many varieties of avocados are varieties from Mexico, so it makes sense that these trees grow well in southern TX.

Unfortunately, they won’t grow outdoors in the northern half of the state but you can grow these in a container and grow indoors.

These trees are even smaller, about 7 feet tall, when grown in a container, so they could be a great patio tree.

When it’s in good health, a Hass Avocado tree can fruit from February through September!

As long as you take good care of your tree, these guys will continue producing fruit until they’re about 40 years old!

Hass avocados are the most popular commercial variety, so you likely already know their flavor and texture.

  • Growing Zones: 9-11
  • Average Size at Maturity: 15-20 ft tall by 5-8 ft wide
  • Season: Fruits in spring through fall

Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills

6. Black Mission Fig Tree (Dorstenia ficus ‘Black Mission’) Dwarf Variety

Fresh figs aren’t only for the Mediterranean- we can grow them in Texas too!

And those straight from your garden will be so much tastier than any shipped from California or Italy.

When they’re ripe, Black Mission figs are dark purple and are filled with sweet juice.

Fig trees actually thrive in hot and dry climates- something you won’t find with many fruit trees. They’re ideal for growers anywhere in the state, even in barren west TX.

Be aware that these trees are not frost-tolerant and should be protected during cold fronts.

There are also dwarf varieties of Black Mission Figs perfect for a container for growing inside during the colder months.

As long as the temperatures are high and the tree is healthy, Black Mission Fig trees have two harvests!

One in late spring, as it becomes warmer outside, and another at the end of the summer.

  • Other Common Names: California Black Mission
  • Growing Zones: 7-10
  • Average Size at Maturity: 10-30 ft tall by 15-30 ft wide
  • Season: Fruits in late spring to fall

Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills

7. Glenn Mango Tree (Mangifera indica ‘Glenn’)

Mangoes only grow in the very southern parts of the U.S. because they’re tropical plants.

So, if you live in southern Texas you should take advantage of your chance to have homegrown mangoes!

However, anyone in central TX or above can grow a mango tree outdoors in the summer. You just need to take it indoors during the colder months so it doesn’t go into shock.

Glenn Mango trees are a semi-hardy variety of mango tree but they really can’t handle several days of cold.

Their large, bright green leaves make them an attractive tree that can double as a houseplant in the winter!

Plus, they’re self-fertile so you’ll only need one! These mango trees grow in partial or full sunlight and grow very fast.

These trees have beautiful, fragrant flowers in the springtime and are a joy to watch bloom. Glenn mangoes are sweet, tender, and juicy- the perfect summer treat.

  • Growing Zones: 9-11
  • Average Size at Maturity: 15-20 ft tall by 8-10 ft wide
  • Season: Fruits in mid-summer

Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees

8. Dwarf Cavendish Banana Tree (Musa acuminata) – Dwarf Variety

Cavendish Bananas
Image by Carol VanHook via Flickr

So, technically, bananas are considered herbaceous plants, not “banana trees” but Cavendish banana plants grow tall and look like a small tree.

Even though the Dwarf Cavendish is a smaller variety, it’s still the same size as a lemon tree!

These plants look like small, tropical trees and they’re a beautiful addition to your garden even before they fruit.

Dwarf Cavendish Banana trees have large and impressive green leaves, but they’re still manageable because of their size.

Dwarf Cavendish Bananas can be planted in the ground if you live in central TX or south.

If you live in the panhandle you’ll need to bring this plant indoors during the colder months, but this is practical given its size.

The Dwarf Cavendish produces bananas just after it sends out its flower, which is usually 18 months after its been planted.

Along with yummy fruit, the banana flower is stunning.

  • Other Common Names: Dwarf Banana Tree
  • Growing Zones: 8-11
  • Average Size at Maturity: 8-10 ft tall by 6-8 ft wide
  • Season: Fruits in winter

Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills

9. Black Tartarian Cherry Tree (Prunus avium ‘Black Tartarian’)

Black Tartarian Cherry tree
Image by De Tuin via Flickr

Black Tartarian is a very popular cultivar of cherry trees that can grow all over the country.

Cherry trees like to grow in moderate climates, so the upper half of Texas is ideal. However, this tree can grow down to zone 8, which covers most of the state.

Cherry trees are fairly low-maintenance and are very strong once their roots are established.

Although, they’re not very drought tolerant so you need to keep them hydrated during dry spells.

This species is often grown for cherry orchards because Black Tartarian Cherry trees need a pollination partner. These trees are happiest in full sun.

Black Tartarian Cherry trees blossom sooner than most other varieties.

Their gorgeous white cherry blossoms appear in the spring and are followed by dark purple, plump cherries.

Cherry harvest is mid to late summer, from June until August or September.

  • Other Common Names: Ronald’s Large Black Heart, Black Tartan, and Circassian Black
  • Growing Zones: 5-8
  • Average Size at Maturity: 10-15 ft tall, 10 ft wide
  • Fruiting Season: June, slightly sooner than most cherry varieties

Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills

10. Arbequina Olive Tree (Olea europaea Arbequina)

Although not super sweet or juicy, olives are in fact the fruit of their tree.

At first, an olive tree may seem like an odd fruit tree to grow, but these trees are beautiful and give a bountiful harvest.

The Arbequina Olive is a cultivar from Spain and is one of the most commonly grown there.

It’s also the most popular cultivar grown in Texas. This tree is everyone’s top choice because it’s so easy to care for!

These trees are overall low maintenance and self-fertile. Arbequina olives aren’t very large but the overall harvest is. The fruits are great for brining or making oil.

The Arbequina Olive is one of the most cold hardy olive tree species. It can grow up to zone 8, which is most of Texas.

Once established, these trees can withstand temperatures down to 10 F. They just need to be protected from strong, cold winds.

  • Other Common Names: Arbequí, Arbequín and Blancal
  • Growing Zones: 8-11
  • Average Size at Maturity: 20-25 ft tall by 12 ft wide
  • Fruiting Season: Flowers in summer; Fruits in October to November

Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills

11. Meyer Lemon Tree (Citrus x limon ‘Meyer’) – Dwarf Variety

Meyer's Lemon
Image by Forest and Kim Starr via Flickr

Domestic lemon trees are really small, which makes them practical and easy to grow almost anywhere. These are great for patios, balconies, even grown as a houseplant!

Their small size is a huge advantage because these trees can only be planted outdoors in southern TX.

Lemon trees really need warmth to thrive and even central TX can get too cold for them.

These trees can tolerate a range of soil types, as long as there’s good drainage. Proper drainage is especially important if you’re growing in a container.

Citrus trees are highly susceptible to root rot and can’t grow in sitting water.

Meyer lemons are a hybrid between a classic lemon and an orange, which makes them sweeter and very juicy.

Meyer lemons are in season a little later than most lemon species, ripening in the fall.

In colder conditions, Meyer lemons will go dormant during the winter but if they’re kept warm they’ll keep fruiting!

  • Other Common Names: Meyer Lemon, Dwarf Lemon, Citrus x meyeri
  • Growing Zones: 9-11
  • Average Size at Maturity: 6-10 ft tall by 4-8 ft wide
  • Season: Fall through Winter

Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills

12. Texas Persimmon (Diospyros texana)

Texas persimmon
Image by Lars Plougmann via Flickr

Diospryos texana is a Texas native tree, which is why Texas is in its botanical name and it’s called the Texas persimmon.

Because it’s native, this tree can be found all over the state, either with its fragrant white flowers in the spring or branches covered in berries in the fall.

Texas persimmon fruits are small, dark purple fruits that ripen over the summer. They’re very sweet and are edible for humans and wildlife- and are especially loved by deer!

This tree is easy to grow because it’s already adapted to Texas conditions. It’s not picky with soil type and can grow in every region of the state.

It’s grown in edible gardens as well as ornamental landscapes because it’s a beautiful tree.

Texas Persimmon flowers are bright white and they cover the tree’s branches in large clusters. In the fall, the foliage turns deep red and purple.

  • Other Common Names: Texan Persimmon, Southern Persimmon
  • Growing Zones: 4-10
  • Average Size at Maturity: 35-60 ft tall by 25-35 ft wide
  • Season: Flowers in Spring, May: Fruits in Fall

13. Key Lime Tree (Citrus aurantifolia)

As I’ve said, southern Texas growers have the chance to grow citrus fruits, so you should!

You can plant a Key Lime tree in the ground if you’re in the southern, coastal regions.

Lime trees are also fairly small and great for growing in a container, which is best for central and north TX.

As long as these trees are protected from the cold, they can bloom flowers and produce fruit all year long! Otherwise, they’ll produce fruit during the summer and fall.

Key Limes are a popular variety that you likely already know. They have a smooth and thin skin and are fairly small. Their smaller size means they’re juicier and more acidic.

Key Lime trees have thorns on their branches and fragrant white flowers that normally bloom in the spring.

As another citrus, lime trees grow very similarly to lemon and orange trees.

  • Other Common Names: Adam’s Apple, West Indian Lime, Mexican Lime, Omani Lime
  • Growing Zones: 9-11
  • Average Size at Maturity: 6-15 ft tall by 2-4 ft wide
  • Season: Summer and fall

Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills

14. Pomegranate Tree (Punica granatum)

Pomegranate tree and flowers
Image by Fern Berg, Own Work, for Tree Vitalize

Although not the most popular fruit, pomegranate trees are a Mediterranean favorite for a reason.

These trees have amazing ornamental value and fresh pomegranates are delicious fruits that can be used in many ways.

Pomegranate trees are multi-trunked and are also considered a large shrub because they have a full, rounded figure. These trees are also grown as hedges or privacy trees.

With warm enough temperatures, pomegranates are evergreen trees. When the leaves emerge in spring, they’re bronze then become dark green and turn pale yellow when it’s cold.

In the spring, they bloom with large, vibrant orange flowers. These are followed by large pomegranates that mature throughout the summer.

However, pomegranate trees are semi-fertile and will do best with a pollination partner.

There’s also a dwarf pomegranate tree (Punica granatum var. Nana) that’s smaller in size and its fruits.

  • Other Common Names: Carthaginian Apple, Granada
  • Growing Zones: 8-11
  • Average Size at Maturity: 6-20 ft tall by 4-15 ft wide
  • Season: Fall

Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills

15. Ginkgo Tree (Ginkgo biloba)

The Ginkgo tree is native to China but it grows so profusely in Texas that it’s also considered a native.

Yet, not many people realize that its fruit is edible! However, even though the fruit flesh is edible, these trees are often regarded as nut trees.

That’s because the seed of these fruits is edible when cooked and is very tasty! The seed has been used in Chinese medicine for improving digestion and memory.

The flesh of the fruit is edible but has a strong and awful smell, deterring your appetite.

Aside from the fruit, Ginkgo trees are gorgeous for ornamental gardens, too. These trees are planted for landscaping all over eastern TX.

Their leaves are light green through the summer and turn golden yellow in the fall, before dropping. These trees can grow fairly tall and are also great shade trees.

  • Other Common Names: Autumn Gold, Raintree, Maidenhair Tree, Fossil Tree
  • Growing Zones: 5-9
  • Average Size at Maturity: 40-50 ft tall by 15-30 ft wide
  • Season: Fall

Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills

Comparing Texas Fruit Tree Varieties

VarietyDescriptionGrowing ZonesAverage Size at Maturity
Valencia Orange TreeValencia Orange is sweet, juicy, and perfect for fresh juice. It’s self-fertile, manageable, and can be grown in a container.8-118-10 ft tall x 3-4 ft wide
Pink Lady Apple TreeProduces yellow-pink marbled apples, medium to large-sized, juicy, and sweet. Adaptable to many soil types.5-915-20 ft tall x 8-10 ft wide
Red Haven Peach TreePopular and strong-growing, Red Haven peaches are disease resistant and self-fertile.5-912-15 ft tall x 10-12 ft wide
Santa Rosa Plum TreeSanta Rosa is adaptable, self-fertile, and needs only 300 chill hours, making it suitable for southern TX.5-915-20 ft tall x 15-20 ft wide
Hass AvocadoIdeal for southern TX. Hass Avocado can be container-grown indoors in colder areas.9-1115-20 ft tall x 5-8 ft wide
Black Mission Fig TreeBlack Mission Figs are dark purple, sweet, and juicy, thriving in hot and dry climates. Suitable for all Texas regions.7-1010-30 ft tall x 15-30 ft wide
Glenn Mango TreeFast-growing, self-fertile, with fragrant flowers and sweet, tender, juicy mangoes.9-1115-20 ft tall x 8-10 ft wide
Dwarf Cavendish BananaSuitable for southern and central TX, and can be grown indoors in colder regions.8-118-10 ft tall x 6-8 ft wide
Black Tartarian CherryWhite cherry blossoms in spring, followed by dark purple cherries in summer.5-810-15 ft tall, 10 ft wide
Arbequina Olive TreeCold-hardy, can withstand temperatures down to 10 F.8-1120-25 ft tall x 12 ft wide
Meyer Lemon TreeA hybrid between a lemon and an orange, Meyer Lemons are sweeter and juicier.9-116-10 ft tall x 4-8 ft wide
Texas PersimmonProduces fragrant white flowers and dark purple, sweet fruits. Easy to grow, adaptable to various soils.4-1035-60 ft tall x 25-35 ft wide
Key Lime TreeProduces small, juicy, and acidic Key Limes. Requires protection from cold.9-116-15 ft tall x 2-4 ft wide
Pomegranate TreeEvergreen in warm temperatures, with vibrant orange flowers in spring.8-116-20 ft tall x 4-15 ft wide
Ginkgo TreeKnown for its edible seeds and medicinal properties. Golden yellow foliage in fall, great as a shade tree.5-940-50 ft tall x 15-30 ft wide

Fruit Trees For Everyone

As you can see from this list, fruit trees have such a wide range of needs, looks, fruits, flowers, etc.

So, regardless of your experience or the space you’re working with, there’s a fruit tree that will fit you well!

Caring for a fruit tree is very rewarding. Along with the added beauty to your space, you’ll be having fresh fruits for years to come.

Fruit trees often live very long, so you get to see your tree develop over time.

Planting a fruit tree also brings flowers, birds, pollinators, pies, jams, and fresh juice. Nothing but good stuff!

If you’re already interested in growing a fruit tree in Texas, I highly encourage you to start planting!

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Peyton Warmack-Chipman

Environmental Politics & Permaculture Enthusiast

Peyton considers trees not just as plants that provide shade or yummy fruits, but as necessary for a healthy life and community. Peyton has done most of her research on environmental politics, but recently has shifted her focus towards actual agricultural practices, learning about ideas like agroforestry, food forests, and permaculture gardening. She's most often in the kitchen whipping something up, but otherwise can be found on long bike rides or doing research.

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