USDA Wyoming Hardiness Zones: 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a
Wyoming, the state with the straight map lines, is known for its pristine scenery and incredible national parks. Interestingly, Wyoming covers a wide range of hardiness zones, from zone 3a all the way to zone 6a.
This state features cold, windy, snowy winters and hot, muggy summers, with a standard fall and spring landing in between the two extremes. Temperatures throughout the year typically range from 27 degrees Fahrenheit up to 86 degrees Fahrenheit, except for the higher elevations.
The western half of the state is considered mountainous, and some of that is desert. Overall, the Wyoming climate zone is deemed to be semi-arid and continential, a direct effect of the Continental Divide.
It’s generally partly cloudy in Wyoming, which affects the amount of sun plants receive every day. Winds can damage or dry out crops, and hailstorms can also damage plants. The growing season is considered short. However, if you plan for the gardening zone you are in, you can still grow a fantastic garden.
Wyoming Planting Zone – A Quick Overview:
- Most of the state of Wyoming sits in climate zone 4b.
- The zones towards the north of the state tend to be a bit cooler, while the growing zones towards the south of the state tend to be a little warmer.
- In some areas of the state, such as near Laramie, the first frost date could happen as early as September. The last frost date can be as late as June, giving Wyoming a relatively short growing season.
- Cheyenne is in planting zone 5b and there are small pockets that are listed as zone 6a in Sweetwater and Park Counties.
Using the Wyoming Growing Zones Map
The hardiness map for Wyoming, sometimes called the growing zones map, was created by the USDA to help farmers and gardeners know when it is safe to plant and how long of a growing season they have to grow their crops. This map gives you the information you need to choose the best plants and planting times for your local climate.
You can see the Wyoming Hardiness Zone map above based on the 2012 USDA map data. First, find your location on the map or enter your zip code. Next, look at the map color for where you live and match the color to the key at the right. The key will tell you what your growing zone is.
Once you know your growing zone, you can look up the Wyoming gardening zone and determine when it is safe to plant outdoors.
The hardiness map for Wyoming is just a guide, and there will be exceptions to it. Variations in the local terrain can cause microclimates throughout the state, so if you are near a river, desert, or mountains, you might have a slightly different growing zone than what you see on the map. Temperatures and frost dates can vary year by year, as well.
For best results, you’ll want to talk to local nurseries and farmers to fully understand what’s going on in your local growing zone. They can help you choose the right plants and varieties for your area.
If you want to make your location a little bit more grow-friendly, you can work on the terrain by planting trees and hedgerows around your garden. These can act as a wind block. They can conserve and direct water to the garden and even reflect sunlight back into your garden, helping you to make the most of your Wyoming gardening zone.
Wyoming: Making the Most of a Short Growing Season
Since Wyoming tends to be a cooler state, it has a shorter growing season. But there are still plenty of fruits and vegetables you can plant in your garden as long as you follow the Wyoming climate zones for your area.
For example, if you live in zone 3, you can extend your growing season by starting tomato and pepper plants inside as early as April. In Zone 4, you can start onions, peppers, tomatoes, spinach, and even peas inside. In Zone 5, on the other hand, once it hits the month of May, you can plant things like peas, spinach, lettuce, and kale outside.
To make the most of your short growing season, make sure to choose quick-maturing varieties and frost-resistant plants whenever possible. In addition, you can use row covers to protect your plants from frost in the fall to make sure you get the best harvest possible.