Colorado falls between the USDA zones 3-7 so experiences many different climates and growing conditions.
The majority of the state has a highland continental climate, whilst some parts that sit in the mountains are classified as subarctic.
When choosing a tree to plant in your yard make sure you choose one suited to the temperature and moisture range, humidity, and soil type of your area.
10 Beautiful Flowering Trees In Colorado You Will Love
1. Russian Hawthorn (Crataegus ambigua) – White Flowering Tree

The Russian Hawthorn is a hardy and adaptable tree, making it well suited to the changeable climate of CO. It’s drought-tolerant, making it ideal for areas such as Denver which are subject to frequent drought. It can also grow at elevations of 7,500 and above.
Early spring sees clusters of white flowers, followed by glossy red fruit at the end of summer that persists throughout the autumn and attracts many birds. The leaves change to shades of orange, yellow and red in the fall.
The Russian Hawthorn is a small tree with a low-lying canopy, often with a 2 ft clearance of the ground. which means they make a pleasing accent tree. Avoid planting close to walkways due to the thorns on the low canopy. Plant in full sun in well-draining soil.
Other Common Names: Green Hawthorn, Southern Hawthorn
Growing Zones: 4-9
Average Size at Maturity: 15-40 ft tall and 12-20 ft wide
Flowering Season: April-May
2. Kentucky Coffee Tree (Gymnocladus dioicus) – White Flowering Tree

The Kentucky Coffee Tree has an irregular to oval narrow crown formed by ascending branches.
It’s low maintenance, pest-free, and drought-tolerant tree that provides year-round interest through the changing color of its leaves, which begin lightish pink in spring, changing dark green in the summer, and finally yellow in the fall.
The Kentucky Coffee Tree produces pyramidal clusters of fragrant green/white flowers that appear that the same time as the leaves are maturing (often late May to early June) .
It’s highly adaptable to different soil types, and pollution, making it suitable for urban planting, where it functions both as a shade and ornamental tree.
Other Common Names: Coffee Tree, Coffeetree
Growing Zones: 3-8
Average Size at Maturity: 60-75 ft tall and 40-50 ft wide
Flowering Season: Late May to early June
Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills
3. Chickasaw Plum (Prunus angustifolia) – White Flowering Tree

The Chickasaw Plum features a short, round crown, dark bark, and reddish branches. It’s a thicket-forming shrub or small tree. It produces clusters of fragrant white flowers in the spring that turn into red fruit that matures in the late summer months (August/September.)
The fruit can be eaten fresh, cooked into desserts, made into preserves, or left for birds and other small mammals to eat.
The leaves of the Chickasaw Plum change from green to light yellow in the fall. They work well in meadow-like settings in CO, as well as woodlands and landscape restoration. Plant in loose, dry sandy soil, in either full sun or partial shade.
Other Common Names: Cherokee’s Plum, Florida Sand Plum, Sand Plum, Sandhill Plum
Growing Zones: 5b-7a
Average Size at Maturity: 10-13 ft tall and 6-10 ft wide
Flowering Season: February to May
Available at: Nature Hills
4. Prairiefire Crabapple (Malus ‘Prairiefire’) – Pink Flowering Tree

The Prairefire Crabapple is a beautiful flowering tree suitable for altitudes above 7,500 ft. It’s a small deciduous tree that produces an abundance of light pink/Fuschia flowers in the spring that can brighten up any landscape.
The flowers are followed by burgundy leaves that gradually turn deep green and then yellow when fall arrives.
Autumn heralds the arrival of small red fruit that attracts birds and other wildlife. The fruit are smaller than most other crabapples and thus creates less mess. The Prairiefire Crabapple prefers moist soil and doesn’t like being left to dry out. Plant in full sun to partial shade.
Other Common Names: Prairiefire Crab Apple
Growing Zones: 3-8
Average Size at Maturity: 10-20 ft tall and 10-15 ft wide
Flowering Season: April
Available at: Nature Hills
5. European Mountain Ash (Sorbus aucuparia) – White Flowering Tree

The European Mountain Ash features clusters of flat-topped white flowers in the spring, followed by an abundance of orange berries later in the season. The leaves change to shades of orange, yellow and red in the fall.
The European Mountain Ash features an upright and rounded shape and grows at a moderate rate. Plant in full sun with access to moderate water for best results. It’ll tolerate dry conditions as well as urban pollution, making it suitable for city planting.
Overall it’s a very hardy tree that can tolerate drought conditions, snow cover, and inner-city environments.
Other Common Names: Rowan, Witch Wiggin Tree
Growing Zones: 3-6
Average Size at Maturity: 30-35 ft tall and 20-25 ft wide
Flowering Season: May-June
6. Purple Smoke Tree (Cotinus coggygria) – Pink Flowering Tree

The Purple Smoke Tree is an upright spreading deciduous tree or shrub that provides garden interest throughout the seasons. The pink flowers are wispy, airy, and ‘smoky,’ and appear in mid-summer.
They create a cloud of color amidst that the current season’s growth. Fall sees the foliage turns reddish-purple and crushed, they smell like radish.
The Purple Smoke Tree prefers to be planted in full sun in well-draining soil and will adapt to a range of soil pH. Once established, it’s drought tolerant.
Other Common Names: European Smoke Tree, Eurasian Smoketree, Smokebush, Dyers Sumach, Venetian Sumach
Growing Zones: 4-9
Average Size at Maturity: 10-15 ft tall and 10-12 ft wide
Flowering Season: Late spring to mid-summer
Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees
7. Seven-Son Flower (Heptacodium miconioides) – White Flowering Tree

The Seven-Son Flower is a vase-shaped woody plant from the honeysuckle family. Its common name comes from the buds which cluster in groups of 7.
Tiny, deliciously scented white flowers appear in late summer to early fall and contrast handsomely with the dark hue of the foliage. Cherry-red seed capsules follow the flowers and are even more ornamental than the blooms.
The whitebark on mature trees exfoliates and adds aesthetic appeal during the winter months. Seven-Son Flower isn’t particularly tolerant of high heat or cold but will adapt to a range of soil types. However, it prefers well-drained, moist, fertile soil.
Other Common Names: Seven-Son-Flower
Growing Zones: 5-9
Average Size at Maturity: 10-20 ft tall and 10-15 ft wide
Flowering Season: Mid-to-late July
Available at: Nature Hills
8. Goldenrain Tree (Koelreuteria paniculata) – Yellow Flowering Tree

The Goldenrain Tree is a medium-sized ornamental tree grown for its pendulous clusters of yellow flowers that appear in midsummer.
The canary-colored flowers appear in 12” long pannicles. Goldenrain Trees are suitable for smaller yards due to their comparatively compact size and they are also planted as shade trees.
Autumn sees small lime-green seed pods that mature to a muted shade of brown and resemble Chinese lanterns. T
he Goldenrain Tree will grow best in deep, well-drained moist soil in full sun, but they’ll tolerate partial shade as well. They can grow in sand, clay, loam, alkaline, or acidic soils.
Other Common Names: Pride of India, China Tree, Varnish Tree
Growing Zones: 5-9
Average Size at Maturity: 30-40 ft tall and 30-40 ft wide
Flowering Season: July/August
Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills
9. Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) – Purple Flowering Tree

The Eastern Redbud is a medium-rate growing tree with a spreading and regal crown with a rounded vase shape. It features heart-shaped leaves that measure between 2-6” in length and emerge a reddish color, turning dark green in summer before yellow in the fall.
Purple/pink flowers appear in plenitude in early spring, and trees can begin flowering in as little as four years.
The flowers are followed by brown-black leguminous seed pods that measure 2-3” in length and persist throughout the winter. The Eastern Redbud provides food and shelter for many species of birds and wildlife.
Other Common Names: Judas Tree
Growing Zones: 5-9
Average Size at Maturity: 20-30 ft tall and 26-33 ft wide
Flowering Season: April
Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills
10. Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry (Amelanchier x grandiflora ‘Autumn Brilliance’) – White Flowering Tree

The Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry is a hardy, multi-stemmed tree that produces a plethora of white flowers. Fall sees the leaves produce a fiery show, which lends this tree its common name.
Edible dark berries follow the flowers in spring/summer and are favored by birds. The Serviceberry requires minimal maintenance and is disease resistant.
It’ll grow best in full sun in average to moist, well-drained soil. If you’re looking for a flowering tree that requires little maintenance, attracts lots of wildlife and is disease resistant, and provides year-round interest, then consider planting the Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry in your yard.
Other Common Names: Autumn Brilliance Juneberry, Apple Serviceberry
Growing Zones: 4-9
Average Size at Maturity: 15-25 ft tall and 15-25 ft wide
Flowering Season: April
Available at: Fast-Growing-Trees & Nature Hills
Mountains In Bloom
Colorado is a state synonymous with natural beauty. Why not add this natural abundance by planting some flowering trees in your yard? The state of CO contains a variety of different climates because of the diversity and topography of the landscape.
Make sure you choose a species suited to your local conditions to maximize your chances of success so you can enjoy the seasonal blooms long into the future.